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Helmi Tutorial
Article © MAIL User: Chainmailbasket_com

Helmi is a layered progression of Helm Chain.

Rings used:
.063" (1.6mm) anodized aluminum
5/16" (7.94mm) machine made
.333" (8.46mm) ID
AR of 5.3

.062" (1.6mm) (5356) aluminum:
27/64" (10.7mm) mandrel
.459" (11.7mm) ID
AR of 7.4

.062" (1.6mm) (5356) aluminum:
25/64" (9.92mm) mandrel
.426" (10.8mm) ID
AR of 6.9

The small anodized aluminum rings make up the core chain. Large bright aluminum rings sandwich themselves around the arrangement. Three ring sizes were used for this demonstration, but two ring sizes are enough to make the chain. The large rings must be able to scale around a pair of small rings, and the larger of the two large rings were used in this case for that purpose. A minimum AR difference of just above 2.0 is required if the same wire diameter is used for each ring type.

Step 1:
Make a short segment of 1-2-1-2-1 out of the small rings.
Image: helmi_step01.jpg

Step 2:
Place two large rings so as to scale two small ring pairs inside.
Image: helmi_step02.jpg

Step 3:
Pass a ring through the two ring pairs, securing the large rings in place.
Image: helmi_step03.jpg

Step 4:
Flip the arrangement over.
Image: helmi_step04.jpg

Step 5:
Place a single large ring over one of the ring pairs.
Image: helmi_step06.jpg

Step 6:
Pass a ring through the top of two ring pairs, securing the large ring from step 5.
Image: helmi_step07.jpg

Step 7:
Layer the next ring between the ring added in the last step and the ring in the middle of the initial 1-2-1-2-1 chain. Make sure you go around the small ring pair.
Image: helmi_step08.jpg

Another option is to execute steps 6-7 in the same manner as you did in steps 2-3, however this makes the ring harder to close because there is little room to maneuver.

Step 8:
Close the ring from step 7 and add two rings to the right end of the chain, each of which passes through the small scaled ring pair. Add another small ring to the left end.
Image: helmi_step09.jpg

Step 9:
Add a single small ring to the right end of the chain. Add two large rings to the left end, each one passing through a scaled pair, plus the ring at the very end of the chain.
Image: helmi_step10.jpg

Step 10:
Double the rings on the ends of the chain
Image: helmi_step11.jpg

The orientation of chain in the next two pictures is altered to display the layering differently.

Step 11:
Add the next large ring, scaling around the small ring pair, and layering between two of the rings in the last 3-ring cell.
Image: helmi_step12.jpg

Step 12:
Add the remaining three large rings to the chain ends. Continue the chain by layering two small rings between those added in steps 10-11, and repeating steps 8-12.
Image: helmi_step13.jpg

Additional layers can be added in higher ARs. Helmi and layered progressions can be expanded as Helm Chain Web, Conundrum, Conundrum 2, Helm Sheet, etc. do with Helm Chain.

Happy Helmi.
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