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Hourglass Tutorial
Article © MAIL User: Chainmailbasket_com

This tutorial demonstrates one method of assembling an Hour Glass Unit.

There are only 8 rings in the simplest incarnation of this unit, and it has a minimum AR of 6.6.

The rings used in this tutorial are:
.080" (2.0mm) bright aluminum
31/64" (12.3mm) mandrel diameter
.532" (13.5mm) inner diameter
AR of 6.7

Preclose six rings and preopen the other two.
Image: hg_assembly_1.jpg

Make two basic orbital connections off one open ring. This is also the start of Orbital Hex Cage.
Image: hg_assembly_2.jpg

Once you close this ring you now have a 3-ring long Orbital 2 in 1 Chain with 2 orbital rings between each connection point.
Image: hg_assembly_3.jpg

Orient the chain in this manner by pulling the two rings on the ends of the chain towards each other.
Image: hg_assembly_4.jpg

Using one of the remaining closed rings, create the first orbital connection but don't close the ring yet.
Image: hg_assembly_5.jpg

Add the last orbital connection using the final preclosed ring.
Image: hg_assembly_6.jpg

Once this ring is closed, you have completed an Hourglass Unit.
Image: hg_assembly_7.jpg

Depending on the AR used, you may choose to increase the number of rings on each end. Shown below are other versions.

Doubled at an AR of 6.7:
Image: hg2.jpg

Tripled at an AR of 7.0:
Image: hg3.jpg

Quadrupled at an AR of 7.5, with an AR of 7.1 for the centered pairs of brass rings:
Image: hg4.jpg

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