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Callisto Tutorial
Article © MAIL User: mvmann

Callisto Chain
1. This is a helm weave (Helm Chain) variant. Familiarize yourself with that weave first. I am using 16swg 3/8” rubber black rings, 16swg 3/8” purple aluminum rings, and 16swg 1/4” stainless steel rings. Note that even though I’m using rubber, this weave is not stretchy.

2. Add a silver ring to the end, as if you were normally extending the chain. Close it.
Image: steponecallisto.jpg

3. Bend the two black rings backwards like so.
Image: step2callisto.jpg

4. Hook a purple ring through the middle of the black rings, around the silver ring. Make sure the purple ring doesn’t go through any black or silver ring. Close it.
Image: step3callisto.jpg

5. Your weave will now look like this when you lay it flat. Note that this is normal helm chain. Now we’re going to add the callisto ring.
Image: step4callisto.jpg

6. Take a new silver ring. You will hook it under the silver ring on the left of the weave.
Image: step5callisto.jpg

7. Hook that same ring under the purple ring.
Image: step6callisto.jpg

8. Hook that same ring under the purple ring on the right hand side.
Image: step7callisto.jpg

9. Hook through the right hand silver ring. Now close the ring.
Image: step8callisto.jpg

10. Now you just keep adding to the Callisto! Go back to step 2.
Image: stepfinalcallisto.jpg
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