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Date Uploaded: July 21, 2018, 7:23 pm Last Edited: August 30, 2018, 10:15 am |
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Rubber Viperscale Speedweave
Article © MAIL User: mvmann
1. Start with a basic viperscale weave. It is layered 3 – 2 – 3 – 2 – 3, so on and so forth. Get to the step where you’re about to add the three rings, with the two rings jutting out at the end.
2. Hook a ring around the eye of the two as usual.
3. Add two rubber rings to that ring and close.
4. Move the rubber rings until they resemble this. The two rubber rings are mimicking the placement of how they will look when enclosed in (one partially on top of the other).
5. This is the tricky part, but once you get the hang of it, it makes weaving this super quick. Hook a new center ring through a) the center ring (RED) , b) the eye of the last two rings (the steel ones) (BLUE), and c) the eye of the two new rubber rings (GREEN). Close it.
Here's another view of that for you.
6. Once that ring is through, close it. Now your weave will look like this. The ring with the pink dot is the one you just added.
7. Add one more ring through that same gap. Here it is pictured from yet another angle for you.
8. Now your weave should look like this. Note that we’re back at step two. Continue on as long as you want. I like to alternate steel with rubber for my sets of 2.
3 Steel – 2 Steel – 3 Steel – 2 Rubber – 3 Steel – 2 Steel – 3 Steel – 2 Rubber : so on and so forth.
Article provided by Melinda Mann.
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