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Supersonic Waves
Article © MAIL User: GriffinMaille

Supersonic Waves by Grace Cuplin, tutorial by GriffinMaille. AR is as follows: AR of 6.3, AR of 5.2, AR of 4.1, and AR of 3.1.

Ring Sizes used for this Tutorial
XL 16swg 3/8"
L 16swg 5/16”
M 16swg 1/4“
S 16swg 3/16”

1: Weave one XL ring through 2 of each size ring and close it. (Make sure there in the position as shown in Fig. 1)
Image: batch_1.jpg

2: Weave a L ring through the M,L,XL rings. (Fig. 2)
Image: batch_2.jpg

3: Weave a M ring through the L and XL rings. (Fig. 3)
Image: batch_3.jpg

4: Weave a S ring through the XL rings. (Fig. 4)
Image: batch_4.jpg

5: Weave a XL ring through a S,M,L,XL. (Fig. 5)
Image: batch_5.jpg

6: Weave the XL ring through S,M,L and XL. (Fig. 6)
Image: batch_6.jpg

Repeat all steps until desired length.
Image: batch_7.jpg
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