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Inverted Oriental Scale Unit
Article © MAIL User: Chainmailbasket_com

This tutorial demonstrates one method of constructing the Inverted Oriental Scale unit. This unit can be further expanded upon to create the weave Japanese Dragonscale, provided the appropriate ring sizes are used.

This unit requires only 11 rings and is fairly simple to put together. Two different ring sizes are required. There are three types of rings present:

I have used .080" (14SWG/2mm) bright aluminum.

Image: ios_01.jpg

Like Oriental Scale, this unit is ring size specific, however moreso. The ID of the small rings should be as close to three times the wire diameter of the large rings as possible without going under. In this tutorial, the wire diameter of each ring is the same and so the small rings AR is 3.0. Their measured ID is .003" larger than three wire widths:
(.080 * 3 = .240) + .003 = .243".

Step 1:
Close all six small rings and connect them to two large rings:
Image: ios_02.jpg

Step 2:
Insert a corner ring in between the two large center rings and around two smaller ones making sure you don't pass through either of the smaller rings.
Image: ios_03.jpg

Step 3:
Close the ring.
Image: ios_04.jpg

Step 4:
Add another corner ring in the same fashion as the one added in the previous step, passing around the next two small rings.
Image: ios_05.jpg

Step 5:
Close said ring.
Image: ios_06.jpg

Step 6:
Add the final corner ring passing around the two remaining small rings.
Image: ios_07.jpg

Step 7:
Close the ring.
Image: ios_08.jpg

Step 8:
Reorient the small rings so they flare out away from the center.
Image: ios_09.jpg

Unfortunately this unit is not 100% stable and the small rings can be manually flipped into the improper configuration.
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