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Closing Captive Roundmaille
Article © MAIL User: Kegas76

I worked out this method for closing my Captive Roundmaille chain after trying two other techniques that had been suggested but did not work for this piece. This process should also work for Roundmaille and Turkish Round, perhaps a few others. This rings used in this piece are 16swg 1/4" ID AR of 4 bronze.

Image: closure_step1.jpg
Start with the last set of three rings holding a captive in place.

Image: closure_step2.jpg
Add two of the three rings you would normally add to continue the chain. Pinch them together so they are parallel for the next step.

Image: closure_step3.jpg
When you add the third ring to this row, instead of looping through the two old rings from the previous level, pass it through the eyes made by the two old rings and the two new rings.

Image: closure_final.jpg
Once you close the third ring pull it over the top of the other two rings and lock it into place with a final loop.
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