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Turkish Orbital
Article © MAIL User: Phong

I invented Turkish Orbital while playing with Tetra Orb units. This weave combines elements of Turkish Round, Inverted Round and orbital rings. It is recommended that you be familiar with these, or at least take a look at how they're constructed. 'Orbital rings' encircle other rings without having any rings directly linked to them. Turkish Orbital requires rings with an aspect ratio of around AR of 6.6. The prototype used 20awg 3/16" rings.

Step 1: Connect 2 rings to a third, with an orbital ring encirling them.

Image: turkorb01.jpg

Step 2: Connect 2 more rings to a third, using one of the rings from Step 1, with another orbital ring.

Image: turkorb02.jpg

Step 3: Connect a ring to the remaining two rings, being sure to include an orbital ring. This is the repeating unit in Turkish Orbital.

Image: turkorb03.jpg

Step 4: Repeat Steps 1-3 to make another unit. Turn the new unit around and rotate it 60 degrees.

Image: turkorb04.jpg

Step 5: Connect the two units in Roundmaille fashion.

Image: turkorb05.jpg

For ease of connecting the segments, we'll add the next section directly to the existing chain, rather than making it separate and then attaching the two.

Step 6: Add 2 rings to the end of the chain in Inverted Round fashion.

Image: turkorb06.jpg

Step 7: Place a ring through these, with an orbital ring.

Image: turkorb07.jpg

Step 8: Repeat on the other side.

Image: turkorb08.jpg

Step 9: Repeat on the top.

Image: turkorb09.jpg

Step 10: Repeat steps 1-3 to make another unit.

Image: turkorb10.jpg

Step 11: Connect in Turkish Round fashion.

Image: turkorb11.jpg

Step 12: Continue to extend the chain to the desired length.

Image: turkorb12.jpg
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