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Rhinos Snorting Drano
Article © MAIL User: Phong

Rhinos Snorting Drano is a simple twist on European 4 in 1. Fortunately the construction of Rhinos Snorting Drano is not nearly as convoluted as the name. Rhinos Snorting Drano can be made with relatively small rings. I haven't made any myself, but it seems like pretty much any common ring size should work.

Step 1: Put two preclosed rings on an open ring. Close that ring and arrange the preclosed rings so they're laying next to each other and form an () eye.

Image: rsd01.jpg

Step 2: Pass an open ring around the eye.

Image: rsd02.jpg

Step 3: Preclose 2 more rings and put them on an open ring. Pass the open ring down through the eye on the other side of the ring added in the previous step. You should start to recognize a strip of E4-1 forming.

Image: rsd03.jpg

Step 4: Pass an open ring around the eye of the preclosed rings from the previous step.

Image: rsd04.jpg

Step 5: Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until the chain is the desired length. Toss on an extra ring through the last eye to finish off the chain.

Image: rsd06.jpg
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