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Joining Jens Pind Linkage
Article © MAIL User: Phong

Jens Pind Linkage (JPL) is a tight spiral weave that does not unwind. Its construction is just like that for a normal spiral weave; the small aspect ratio is what gives it its unique properties. JPL takes rings on the small AR end, with AR of 2.8 - AR of 3 being preferred. Jens Pind can be made with larger ARs, but the chain may turn out too loose and the spiral will unwind.

Note: Due to the small ARs needed for JPL, I make no guarantee that you'll be able to get enough leverage to close the last ring. Or even the first connecting ring for that matter. I'm just the messenger.

Step 1: Make a length of JPL that's 2 rings shorter than the final joined length you want it to be. Make sure the chain isn't twisted at all, and that the two end rings are in the same row - otherwise they won't line up and you'll get really frustrated and think 'Man, why do I bother reading these tutorials? Phong doesn't know what he's talking about! What a doofus!'

Anyway, line the two ends up so they're next to each other.

Image: joinjpl01a.jpg

Step 2: Pass an open ring down through the two end rings on the right side, and up through the last ring on the left side. Make sure it goes behind the left ring in its row and in front of the right ring in its row.

Image: joinjpl02a.jpg

Step 3: Pass an open ring through the two end rings on both sides. It should go above the left ring in its row and below the right ring in its row.

Image: joinjpl03.jpg
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