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Article © MAIL User: Phong

Gracelock can be viewed as an Interwoven Gridlock or as an Inverted Round Sheet. This tutorial uses the latter approach, and connects Inverted Round chains into a sheet. Gracelock takes an AR of AR of 5 and up. High 4.x might work, but it will be difficult to connect the IR chains.

Step 1: Make an Inverted Round chain as long as you want the final Gracelock piece to be tall. Lay it out so that the bottom is flat against the table, and the top is parallel to the table. The two sides should make an X pattern.

Image: grace01.jpg

Step 2: Make another Inverted Round chain the same length as the first, and lay it out next to the first. Make sure that they match each other - in this example both 'tops' have 3 rings and both 'bottoms' have 4 rings. At this point the sides of the two chains make a <> pattern; the < from the X on the left chain, the > from the X on the right chain. You'll be connecting the two chains via these <> points.

Image: grace02.jpg

Step 3: Pass a ring through the top of the first available <>.

Image: grace03.jpg

Step 4: Pass a ring through the first and second <>'s. This may be difficult if you're using a ring size at the lower end of the allowable AR range.

Image: grace04.jpg

Step 5: Pass a ring through the second and third <>'s.

Image: grace05.jpg

Step 6: Repeat this until you reach the end of the chains.

Image: grace06.jpg

Step 7: Flip the patch over.

Image: grace07.jpg

Step 8: Pass a ring through the first and second <>'s. We didn't pass a ring through just the first <> because it would end up hanging off the end of the patch.

Image: grace08.jpg

Step 9: Pass a ring through the second and third <>'s.

Image: grace09.jpg

Step 10: Repeat this until you reach the end of the chains.

Image: grace10.jpg

Step 11: Continue making Inverted Round chains and connecting them until the patch is the desired length.

Image: grace19a.jpg
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