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(from CGMaille)
Article © MAIL User: Phong

This tutorial is for adding rows to Elfsheet one at a time. This can be easier than adding entire Elfweave chains, especially if you're using a tight AR. I'm assuming that you're starting with a strip of Elfweave and want to add on to it. If you don't have a patch handy, you can use this same method starting off a piece of Half Persian 3 Sheet 6 in 1, or European 4 in 1 with a 45° seam. Elfsheet can be made with rings around AR of 4.2 and up. Bumping up the inner diameter will make it easier to weave.

Step 1: Connect a ring through two bottom two edge rings.

Image: elfsheet01.jpg

Step 2: Continue all the way across.

Image: elfsheet02.jpg

Step 3: Do the same on the top, add a ring to two top edge rings.

Image: elfsheet03.jpg

Step 4: Continue all the way across.

Image: elfsheet04.jpg

Step 5: Connect a ring to the top edge ring.

Image: elfsheet05.jpg

Step 6: Connect a ring 'up' through the ring you just added, and 'down' through the top and bottom edge rings.

Image: elfsheet06.jpg

Step 7: Add a ring 'down' through the ring added in step 6, and 'up' through the bottom edge ring and the second top ring.

Image: elfsheet07.jpg

Step 8: Repeat steps 6 and 7 to finish the side.

Image: elfsheet08.jpg

Step 9: Repeat steps 1 - 4 to start a new row.

Image: elfsheet09.jpg

Step 10: Repeat steps 5 - 8 to complete the new row.

Image: elfsheet10.jpg
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