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(from CGMaille)
Article © MAIL User: Phong

Dragonback is very similar to Persian Dragonscale in that it's two chains of Half Persian 3 in 1 connected with European 4 in 1. However, the two chains differ in where they connect the HP3-1 chains. If you stare at it long enough, you'll see the difference. This tutorial will explain ring placement in terms of 'eyes,' the space made by two overlapping (but non-connected) rings. TE = through the eye; AE = around the eye. Dragonback can be made with rings with AR's down to AR of 5. Stainless 18swg 7/32" rings work; other metals in that size might not have enough springback to reach a sufficient AR.

Step 1: Make a strip of E4-1. It should be somewhat longer than you want the final chain to be.

Image: dback01.jpg

Step 2: Put a ring through two edge rings. This is a TE connection. Subsequent rings will have both TE and AE connections.

Image: dback02.jpg
Step 2a: A closeup of how the rings should be arranged.

Image: dback02a.jpg

Step 3: Add another ring, above the ring added in the previous. This time, there will be a AE connection on the left, and a TE connection on the right.

Image: dback03.jpg

Step 3a: A closeup of how the rings should be arranged.

Image: dback03a.jpg

Step 4: Continue all the way across the side. Note that the last ring should have only an AE connection.

Image: dback04.jpg

Step 5: Do the same thing on the other side...

Image: dback05.jpg

Step 6: Adding rings all the way across...

Image: dback06.jpg

Step 7: To the end of the side.

Image: dback07.jpg

Step 8: Now we can start adding E4-1 rings to the top to finish up the chain.

Image: dback08.jpg

Step 9: All the way across...

Image: dback09.jpg

Step 10: To the end of the chain.

Image: dback10.jpg
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