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Article © MAIL User: Phong

Camelot is a variant of Celtic Visions that makes 'nodules' by connecting the edge rings of adjacent cells. Camelot takes 2 ring sizes, one with AR of 6.6 and one with AR of 3.5.

Step 1: Make a 2 in 1 Chain with the large and small rings as long as you want the final chain to be.
Image: 01.jpg

Step 2: Lay large rings over top of the small rings. Don't connect these large rings to anything yet.

Image: 02.jpg

Step 3: Connect large rings to the small rings, trapping the large rings from Step 2. Note: In real life, you'll end up adding one loose ring, trapping it, adding another loose ring, trapping it, and so on. That gets repetitive when making these pictures, so I didn't bother showing each individual ring.

Image: 03.jpg

Step 4: Add small rings through all 3 layers of large rings. This is the Celtic Visions chain. The 4 rings on the very left and very right are technically going through 2 layers of rings, but they're needed to make the final chain balanced.

Image: 04.jpg

Step 5: Connect a small ring to two of the rings you added in the previous step.

Image: 05.jpg

Step 6: Connect 2 small rings to 2 rings from the previous step.

Image: 06.jpg
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