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Article © MAIL User: Catweazle

This is a tutorial for Solstice, which is a unit made out of Sunburst.

I used 2 different ring sizes:

WD=1,0 mm / ID=3.8 mm (AR of 3.8)
WD=1,0 mm / ID=3.0 mm (AR of 3)

Step 1: In the beginning you'll need only large rings. Connect 2 rings to a single ring. This single ring will be the center of your unit.
Image: AS_Solstice_01.jpg

Step 2: Add three rings to the ring pair.
Image: AS_Solstice_02.jpg

Step 3: Now you have to add a ring to the outer rings of the ring triple from step 2. It is possible that your weave looks like the rings on the left side. Pull the middle ring (of the triple) until the weave looks like the right picture.
Image: AS_Solstice_03.jpg

Step 4: Put a ring through the outer rings, but this time on the other side. This could be tricky. So work gently and don't loose patience. Since you are trying to built a solstice, let's say you now have produced a sunbeam. :-) Two sunbeams are a Sunburst.
Image: AS_Solstice_04.jpg

Step 5: Repeat steps 2 to 4 three times. Now you have 4 sunbeams connected with a single ring.
Image: AS_Solstice_07.jpg

Step 6: Now it's time for the small rings. Connect 2 sunbeams with a single small ring.
Image: AS_Solstice_08.jpg

Step 7: Repeat step 6 until all sunbeams are connected with their neighbours.
Image: AS_Solstice_09.jpg

Step 8: Connect a small ring from step 6 with the large rings from the neighbouring sunbeams. (The middle ring of the triplet from step 2.)
Image: AS_Solstice_10.jpg

Step 9: Repeat step 8 until all sunbeams are connected with their neighbours. You have now added the corona of your sun.
Image: AS_Solstice_11.jpg

Step 10: Below you can see a few results while I was playing with different ARs for the small rings. With the unit on the right side I used a central ring with an AR of 7 (WD=1 mm). I was able to put 7 sunbeams around the center. Maybe this is no longer a solstice but high noon. Nevertheless - keep on playing with your weaves!
Image: AS_Solstice_12.jpg
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