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Celtic Wings & Celtic Wings Sheet
Article © MAIL User: Catweazle

This is a tutorial for Celtic Wings and Celtic Wings Sheet.

I used 2 different ring sizes for this tutorial:
WD=1,0 mm / ID=5.5 mm (AR of 5.5)
WD=1,0 mm / ID=3.5 mm (AR of 3.5)

Celtic Wings:
Step 1: Make 2 small 1-2-1 chains with 2 small and 2 large rings.
Image: AS_Celtic-Wings_01.jpg

Step 2: Lay one chain with the small middle rings on top of a large ring of the second chain. One chain has a horizontal orientation and the other one a vertical orientation.
Image: AS_Celtic-Wings_02.jpg

Step 3: Turn the "free" large ring (in this case the left one from the picture in step 2) over the vertical chain.
Image: AS_Celtic-Wings_03.jpg

Step 4: Connect the 2 large rings of the horizontal chain with 2 small rings.
Image: AS_Celtic-Wings_04.jpg

Step 5: Add 2 large rings to the 2 small rings and build another 1-2-1 chain.
Image: AS_Celtic-Wings_05.jpg

Step 6: Start again from step 2. Now you've got a Celtic Wings chain with 2 elements. Repeat steps 2 to 5 until your chain has the desired length.
Image: AS_Celtic-Wings_07.jpg

In the following picture you can see 2 chains. In the upper chain I used an AR of 3.5 for the small rings. In the lower one I used an AR of 3.25. This chain is a only a little bit shorter.
Image: AS_Celtic-Wings_08.jpg

The chain in the background (smaller AR of 3.25) is much stiffer than the one in the foreground (smaller AR of 3.5). Size matters if you want to make a bracelet or not.
Image: AS_Celtic-Wings_09.jpg

Celtic Wings Sheet:
Step 01: Build a 1-2-1 chain. Connect a large ring with 2 small rings to a large ring from the Celtic Wings chain.
Image: AS_Celtic-Wings_10.jpg

Step 02: Lay the 1-2-1 chain with a large ring underneath the middle rings of the attachment of the Celtic Wings chain.
Image: AS_Celtic-Wings_11.jpg

Step 03: Turn the "free" large ring over the vertical chain.
Image: AS_Celtic-Wings_12.jpg

Step 04: Connect the 2 large rings of the horizontal chain with 2 small rings.
Image: AS_Celtic-Wings_13.jpg

Step 05: Add 2 large rings to the 2 small rings. Connect a single large ring with 2 small rings to a large ring from the Celtic Wings chain.
Image: AS_Celtic-Wings_14.jpg

Step 06: Repeat steps 2 to 4. Now you've added the next element to your sheet.
Image: AS_Celtic-Wings_15.jpg

Step 07: Repeat steps 2 to 5 until the row is complete. You have now finished a Celtic Wings Sheet with 2 rows.
Image: AS_Celtic-Wings_16.jpg
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