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Half Persian 3 Sheet 5-in-1
Article © MAIL User: Catweazle

This is a tutorial for Half Persian 3 Sheet 5 in 1. I assume that you know how to make a Half Persian 3 in 1-chain. If you don't know how to make this weave, take a look at the tutorial for HP 3-in-1.

I used 1 ring size for this tutorial: WD=1.0 mm / ID=5.0 mm (AR of 5)

Method 1:
Step 1: Make a Half Persian 3-in-1 chain.
Image: AS_HP-3-Sheet-5-in-1_01.jpg

Step 2: Put a single ring through the marked rings (red and yellow).
Image: AS_HP-3-Sheet-5-in-1_02.jpg

The result should look like this picture.
Image: AS_HP-3-Sheet-5-in-1_03.jpg

Step 3: Repeat step 2 until the row is complete. The last ring is hanging in only 1 ring, because it is the end of the chain.
Image: AS_HP-3-Sheet-5-in-1_04.jpg

Step 4: Pull the next ring through the "eye", which is formed by the yellow-marked rings and through the ring which is marked in red.
Image: AS_HP-3-Sheet-5-in-1_05.jpg

This is what your weave looks like, if you're not starting at the edge of your row.
Image: AS_HP-3-Sheet-5-in-1_06.jpg

This is what your weave looks like, if you are starting at the edge of your row.
Image: AS_HP-3-Sheet-5-in-1_07.jpg

Step 5: Repeat step 4 until the row is complete. You have now woven a HP 3 Sheet 5-in-1 with two rows.
Image: AS_HP-3-Sheet-5-in-1_08.jpg

Method 2:
Step 1: Put a single ring through the marked rings (red and yellow). Before you close the ring, hang 2 already closed rings in the new one.
Image: AS_HP-3-Sheet-5-in-1_02.jpg

The result should look like this picture. It is important that the two rings a are positioned like in the picture.
Image: AS_HP-3-Sheet-5-in-1_09.jpg

Step 2: The next ring has to be pulled through the yellow and the red "eye". (The yellow eye is needed to lengthen the HP 3-in-1-chain and the red eye to extend the sheet.)
Image: AS_HP-3-Sheet-5-in-1_10.jpg

Your weave should look like this:
Image: AS_HP-3-Sheet-5-in-1_11.jpg

Step 3: Add a single ring to the one which you added in step 2. You now have 3 rings in the row at the lower edge of your weave. It is important that the right-most ring is positioned like in the picture.
Image: AS_HP-3-Sheet-5-in-1_12.jpg

Step 4: You can also do steps 2 and 3 in one single step. First put a closed ring on an open one. And then proceed with step 2.
Image: AS_HP-3-Sheet-5-in-1_13.jpg
Image: AS_HP-3-Sheet-5-in-1_14.jpg

Step 5: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have reached the end of the row. You have now woven a HP 3 Sheet 5-in-1 with two rows - again.
Image: AS_HP-3-Sheet-5-in-1_15.jpg
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