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Persian Box 5 in 1 Twist
Article © MAIL User: lorraine

This is a tutorial on one way to make Persian Box 5 in 1 Twist. The rings I used for this tutorial are 18awg (1.02mm) copper and sterling silver, wound around a 5.48mm mandrel. The copper rings have an AR of 5.5, and the sterling rings have an AR of 5.7. I could not continue this weave beyond 8 rows with these rings. To make this weave continuable, I would suggest an AR of 5.9. The last picture in this tutorial is of a bracelet made with 18awg (1.02mm)/5.75mm sterling silver rings with an AR of 5.88.

Step 1. Make two 2 in 1 Chains in copper. It doesn't really matter how long. You can always add more later.
Image: PB5in1TTut_1.jpg

Step 2. Connect the two 2 in 1 Chains at one end with a twisty-tie.
Image: PB5in1TTut_2.jpg

Step 3. Pinch the first 3 rows of doubled 2 in 1 Chains together so that they all rotate in the same direction. For this tutorial all the pairs of rings are rotated to lay on the right hand side of the pair above it.
Image: PB5in1TTut_3.jpg

Step 4. Weave a silver ring though all 4 rings of the second and third pairs (marked with blue dots), being careful to keep them in order.
Image: PB5in1TTut_4.jpg Image: PB5in1TTut_5.jpg

Then continue threading the silver ring through the right copper ring of the pair above (blue dot), and close the silver ring.
Image: PB5in1TTut_6.jpg

Step 5. Turn the chain around to add the fourth side of the "box". Pinch the same top 3 pairs of copper rings together so that they rotate in the same direction as in step 3.
Image: PB5in1TTut_7.jpg

Step 6. Thread a silver ring through all 4 of the second and third pairs of copper rings (blue dots), again making sure to keep them in order. Notice this is the same path that the silver ring was threaded through on the other side of the chain.
Image: PB5in1TTut_8.jpg Image: PB5in1TTut_9.jpg
Then continue threading the silver ring through the right copper ring of the pair above, and close the silver ring.
Image: PB5in1TTut_10.jpg

Step 7. Continue the chain by pinching the next row of copper rings to rotate correctly, and then adding a silver ring through all 4 of the rings in the next pair down, and then through the copper ring on the right of the pair above.
Image: PB5in1TTut_11.jpg Image: PB5in1TTut_12.jpg

Step 8. Turn your chain over and add the fourth side of the box.
Image: PB5in1TTut_13.jpg Image: PB5in1TTut_14.jpg

Step 9. Continue following steps 7 and 8 until you have the length of chain you need. You might have to add more length to the initial 2 in 1 Chains at some point.
Image: PB5in1TTut_15.jpg Image: PB5in1TTut_16.jpg

Notice that if you look down the side of the chain, the silver rings are making a series of "Vs" that twists along the chain.
Image: PB5in1TTut_17.jpg

Here is a closeup of the weave in 18awg (1.02mm)/5.75mm sterling silver rings with an AR of 5.9.
Image: PB5in1TTut_18.jpg

I hope this helps you make the weave. Have fun!
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