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Kinged Weaves
Article © MAIL User: Chainmailbasket_com

To King a weave is to double its rings. Looking at the weave library using the keyword Kinged, we find that some of the entries are scaled. This type of kinging involves using a ring group where a smaller ring is completely surrounded by a larger one, an example being Emperor's Scale. Also in some entries, only some of the rings are doubled. This article only focuses on weaves where every ring in the pattern is doubled. Of these, there are a total of six weave entries in the database that match this criteria.

Kinging weaves provides a new aesthetic. It creates a more dense pattern, and requires larger rings for its construction. More specifically, a larger aspect ratio is needed to fit more rings through each other. Most weaves can be kinged, but more complex ones, especially those which already require a large AR are less practical.

Naming Conventions

King's Maille is what doubled European 4 in 1 was dubbed. King later became an adjective used to describe doubling rings in any weave. A more technical name for the King's Maille weave is European 8 in 2, which doubles the numbers in 4 in 1, and describes accurately the ring interaction. The numerical doubling only works with weaves containing the "x in y" naming convention. Others simply have the term "King", "Kinged", "Kings", or "Double" prefixed to their names. There are some misnamed entities, however, which can cause certain confusion. King's Dragonscale, and Double Half Persian 3 in 1, for example, are not exactly as the name describes. Properly doubled versions of each of these can be seen below.

European Sheet Weaves

European 4 in 1
minimum AR of 2.9, displayed at AR of 3.0
Image: king_e4-1.jpg
European 8 in 2
(King's Maille)
minimum AR of 4.7, displayed at AR of 5.2
Image: king_e8-2.jpg
One of the more traditionally doubled weaves.
The namesake of the Kinging concept.
1.8 minimum AR increase.
European 6 in 1
minimum AR of 4.3, displayed at same
Image: king_e6-1.jpg
European 12 in 2
(Emperor's Maille)
minimum AR of 6.9, displayed at AR of 10
Image: king_e12in2.jpg
Minimum AR increase of 2.6.
European 8 in 1
minimum AR of 5.8, displayed at same
Image: king_e8-1.jpg
European 16 in 2
(God's Maille)
displayed at AR of 9.1
Image: king_e16-2.jpg
Minimum AR increase of about 3.0.
minimum approx. AR of 3.6, and AR of 5.8
displayed at AR of 4.8, and AR of 7.2
Image: king_dragonscale.jpg
Double Dragonscale
displayed at AR of 6.6, and AR of 9.4
Image: king_dd.jpg
minimum AR increases of at least 3.0 and 3.8 are required for the single wire diameter version.
Not to be confused with King's Dragonscale, which has the larger rings scaled.
Name is somewhat reminiscent of certain old NES games. :)

Japanese Weaves

Japanese 3 in 1
minimum AR of 2.0, AR of 2.2
displayed at same
Image: king_j3in1.jpg
Japanese 6 in 2
minimum AR of 2.6, AR of 3.3
displayed at same
Image: king_j6-2.jpg
Minimum AR increases of 0.6 and 1.1.
Japanese 4 in 1
minimum AR of 2.0, AR of 2.4
displayed at same
Image: king_j4-1.jpg
Japanese 8 in 2
minimum AR of 2.6, AR of 3.8
displayed at AR of 2.6, AR of 3.9
Image: king_j8-2.jpg
Minimum AR increases of 0.6 and 1.4.
Japanese 6 in 1
minimum AR of 2.0, AR of 2.9
displayed at AR of 2.0, AR of 3.0
Image: king_j6-1.jpg
Japanese 12 in 2
minimum AR of 2.6, AR of 5.2
displayed at AR of 2.6, AR of 5.3
Image: king_j12-2.jpg
Minimum AR increases of 0.6 and 2.3.
Japanese 4 in 1 Cube
minimum AR of 2.4, displayed at AR of 2.5
Image: king_j4-1c.jpg
Japanese 8 in 2 Cube
minimum AR of 3.8, displayed at AR of 4.2
Image: king_j8-2c.jpg
Minimum AR increase of 1.4.

See also: Japanese Weaves: Minimum AR Considerations.

Persian Sheet Weaves

Half Persian 3 Sheet 6 in 1
minimum AR of 4.8, displayed at AR of 5.0
Image: king_hp3s6-1.jpg
Half Persian 6 Sheet 12 in 2
displayed at AR of 9.1
Image: king_hp6s12-2.jpg
AR increase of about 4.0 required.
Three Quarters Persian Sheet 6 in 1
minimum AR of 5.0, displayed at AR of 5.9
Image: king_tqps6-1.jpg
Three Quarters Persian Sheet 12 in 2
displayed at AR of 9.1
Image: king_tqps12-2.jpg
AR increase of about 4.0 required.

Persian Chain Weaves

Half Persian 3 in 1
minimum AR of 3.9 (no curl)*, displayed at AR of 4.3
Image: king_hp3-1.jpg
Half Persian 6 in 2
minimum AR of 6.6 (no curl)*, displayed at same
Image: king_hp6-2.jpg
AR increase of about 2.7 required.
Not to be confused with Double Half Persian 3 in 1, which "layers" the rings.
Half Persian 4 in 1
minimum AR of 4.4, displayed at AR of 4.7
Image: king_hp4-1.jpg
Half Persian 8 in 2
minimum AR of 7.8, displayed at same
Image: king_hp8-2.jpg
Minimum AR increase of 3.4.
Not to be confused with Double Half Persian 4 in 1, which "layers" the rings.
Full Persian 6 in 1
minimum AR of 4.8, displayed at AR of 5.5
Image: king_fp6-1.jpg
Full Persian 12 in 2
displayed at AR of 9.1
Image: king_fp12-2.jpg
AR increase of about 4.0 required.
Not to be confused with Double Full Persian 6 in 1, which "layers" the rings.

*Unbalanced Half Persian weaves have the tendency to curl inward below specific AR values.

Spiral Chain Weaves

Spiral 4 in 1
minimum approx. AR of 3.4, displayed at AR of 4.8
Image: king_spiral4-1.jpg
Spiral 8 in 2
minimum AR of 4.4, displayed at AR of 4.9
Image: king_spiral8-2.jpg
1.0 minimum AR increase.

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