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Article © MAIL User: lorraine

This is a tutorial for Cylon. The rings used are anodized niobium. The wire diameter for both the large and small rings is 1.0mm. The large rings have an ID of 7.1mm, giving them an AR of 7.1. The small rings have an ID of 4.2mm, giving them an AR of 4.2. Cylon is AR sensitive. If you choose a smaller size for the large ring, you will need a smaller size for the small ring as well to keep them from locking up.

1. Make some Half Persian 3 in 1 with the large rings. The chain will be floppy at this high an AR.
Image: CylonTut_1.jpg

2. Make sure the concave side of the chain is facing you (not the convex side). You will be weaving rings down the edges of the chain, around the eyes of the upper stack of rings marked in red, and the bottom stack of rings marked in yellow. Then you will weave a center ring through the edge rings.
Image: CylonTut_2.jpg

3. Weave a small ring around the eye of the first two rings in the upper stack.
Image: CylonTut_3.jpg

4. Weave a small ring around the eye of the first two rings in the bottom stack.
Image: CylonTut_4.jpg

5. Weave a small ring through the two edge rings you just added. This ring lays in the center on top of the chain.
Image: CylonTut_5.jpg

6. Weave a small ring around the next eye in the upper stack and down the center ring added in the previous step.
Image: CylonTut_6.jpg

7. Weave a small ring around the next eye in the bottom stack and down the same center ring.
Image: CylonTut_7.jpg

8. Keep following steps 5 through 7. Weave a center ring through the previous two side rings. Then add an edge ring to each side of the chain and through the center ring you just added.
Image: CylonTut_8.jpg

9. The chain looks like this on the top,
Image: CylonTut_9.jpg

and like this on the bottom.
Image: CylonTut_10.jpg

Image: CylonTut_11.jpg
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