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Date Uploaded: December 11, 2012, 3:18 am Last Edited: December 15, 2012, 4:51 pm |
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Sandstone Tutorial
Article © MAIL User: mithrilweaver
(below) Just like making Half Persian 3 in 1 or Half Persian 4 in 1, slide the #1 ring over the #3 ring.
(below) Then, weave a ring through the eye that is made by the #1 and #3 rings. Where you weave this ring (on top of #2 or below it) will determine whether the weave will be right or left handed - just like Half Persian 3 in 1.
(below) Just like weaving Half Persian 4 in 1, weave a ring through the #2 and #4 rings so it lays the same as the #1 and #3 rings
(below) Continue with the Half Persian 4 in 1 pattern, adding a ring to the #3 and #5 rings so it lays the same as #2 and #4 rings.
(below) Now things change. #7 ring still goes through 2 rings, but not where it would go on Half Persian 4 in 1. Turn the weave 90 degress (or 1/4 of a full turn) and weave the #7 ring like you're weaving X-weave / Spring Chain / Forars Kaede.
The #7 ring should match the orientation and placement of the #1 ring.
(below) Turn the weave 90 degress and weave the #8 ring so it lays the same as the #2 ring, always going through 2 rings.
(below) Turn the weave 90 degress and weave the #9 ring so it matches the #3 ring's orientation.
(below) Turn the weave 90 degress and weave the #10 ring so it matches the #4 ring's orientation.
(below) Turn the weave 90 degress and weave the #11 ring so it matches the #5 ring's orientation.
(below) Turn the weave 90 degress and weave the #12 ring so it matches the #6 ring's orientation. This finishes another 3 ring stack, so the next ring will follow the same as #7 ring - starting a new 3 ring stack and repeating from there.
(below) This picture shows right handed Sandstone on the top and left handed Sandstone on the bottom.
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