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Japanese 6 in 1: Pentagons
Article © MAIL User: Aderamelech

1) Make five triangles of Japanese 6 in 1.
Image: pent1.jpg

2) Attach all five to a single middle ring.
Image: pent2.jpg

3) Select two triangles and connect them to one another as shown in this picture. (The brass rings are those added in this step.)
Image: pent3.jpg

4) Continue with all the other triangles in the same way. This is how it looks before you make the last connection. Note that it looks a bit like a 6-1 hexagon (the normal shape made by this weave) with a piece missing.
Image: pent4.jpg

5) A pentagon made this way will not sit flat very well.
Image: pent5.jpg

6) However, it works much better over a curved surface. This is what makes this technique useful, it is a way to get Japanese 6-1 to curve and conform to a 3-dimensional space. Think of this as you would a European 4 in 1: Expanding Circle (Core Method) when you have not expanded fast enough. It tends to want to curve in on itself, and mold around shapes rather than be flat.
Image: pent6.jpg

The more pieces you leave out of the hexagon (which is the shape that will lay flat), the greater the degree of the curve in the final piece. (Down to only three triangles. After that, you are just connecting two pieces one on top of the other and you really won't be able to get much of anything between them.)
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