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Jens Pind Linkage
(JPL3) AR Comparison
Article © MAIL User: lorraine

This is a pictorial comparison of the differences in JPL3 (Jens Pind Linkage) at various ARs. All the rings are made with 18awg (1.02mm) copper wire and are saw cut. All of the AR's listed are actual and measured with calipers. Comments are all my subjective opinion. Yours may vary.

Image: jpl_26.jpg
AR of 2.6
Too tight to weave after five rings.

Image: jpl_265.jpg
AR of 2.65
Too tight to continue after 21 rings. Very slight bend.

Image: jpl_27.jpg
AR of 2.7
Very tight, but weaveable. Slight bend.

Image: jpl_275.jpg
AR of 2.75
A bit tight. Able to bend until ends touch.

Image: jpl_28.jpg
AR of 2.8
Rings are snug, but able to move freely with very little space showing between them. Bends fluidly.

Image: jpl_29.jpg
AR of 2.9
A little loose with more space showing between rings. Bends easily.

Image: jpl_30.jpg
AR of 3.0
Loosely woven with space showing between rings. Bends very easily.

Image: jpl_31.jpg
AR of 3.1
Very loose with lots of space between rings. Bends very easily.

An AR of 2.7 seems to be the minimum for continuable JPL3.
An AR of 2.8 is still my favorite. It is snug but not tight, showing very little space between the rings and bends fluidly without looking sloppy. ARs over 3.0 start to look sloppy with rings showing too much space between them, but that's just my opinion. ARs above 3.2 are not recommended. The rings slip in and out of place, especially if the piece is tumbled, and can make the weave unstable.

If you buy pre-made rings, shoot for an AR of 2.9 in case they are rounding up. You don't want to end up with anything less than an actual AR of 2.8. (Unless, of course, you are going for sculptural uses of JPL3.)
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