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Symmetrical Allure Sheet
Article © MAIL User: lorraine

I was playing around with the weave Allure and its sheeted versions Allure Sheet and Alternating Allure Sheet. But I like symmetry... so I made a minor change in the weave and came up with this modification. It is basically two rows of Allure, sheeted to mirror each other. I call it Symmetrical Allure Sheet. Here's how I made it. The rings are 18awg(1.0mm)/4.25mm ID copper and sterling silver, with an AR of 4.33. The weave does not look the same on the back as it does on the front, so keep that in mind while weaving.

Step 1. Weave three rings together in a row. Arrange them so that the edge of the middle ring lays over the two side rings. Wrap some tape around the rings so that they stay that way, and so you have something to pick up and hold onto while you start the weave.
Image: syalluretut_1.jpg

Step 2. Add a ring to each end ring. Lay these rings down outward, so that their edges are over the first edge rings.
Image: syalluretut_2.jpg

Step 3. Weave a copper ring through the lower eye of the first three rings and through the lower edge ring added in step 2 (marked in blue).
Image: syalluretut_3a.jpg Image: syalluretut_3b.jpg

Step 4. Weave another copper ring, this time through the upper eye of the first three rings and through the upper edge ring added in step 2 (marked in blue).
Image: syalluretut_4a.jpg Image: syalluretut_4b.jpg

Step 5. Add two silver rings, one to each of the edge rings added in step 2. Position these two new rings so that they are on the outer side of each copper ring and the tops of the rings are leaning inward.
Image: syalluretut_5a.jpg Image: syalluretut_5b.jpg

Step 6. Add a silver ring through the eyes that the two silver and two copper rings form, following the path marked by the blue dots. This ring completes one iteration of the weave.
Image: syalluretut_6.jpg

Step 7. Now you start repeating the steps. Add two silver rings, one to each silver edge ring, and lay them outward.
Image: syalluretut_7.jpg

Step 8. Add a copper ring through the lower eye and the lower edge ring (marked in blue).
Image: syalluretut_8a.jpg Image: syalluretut_8b.jpg

Step 9. Add a second copper ring through the upper eye and upper edge ring (marked in blue).
Image: syalluretut_9a.jpg Image: syalluretut_9b.jpg

Step 10. Add two silver rings, one to each of the edge rings added in step 7. Position them on the outer edges of the copper rings and with the tops leaning inward.
Image: syalluretut_10a.jpg Image: syalluretut_10b.jpg

Step 11. Add a silver ring through the eyes that the two silver and two copper rings form.
Image: syalluretut_11.jpg

Continue following steps 7 through 11 until you have the length of chain you want.
Image: syalluretut_12.jpg

Image: syalluretut_13.jpg

Image: syalluretut_14.jpg

Image: syalluretut_15.jpg

A close-up of the front of Symmetrical Allure Sheet
Image: syalluretut_16.jpg

A close-up of the back of Symmetrical Allure Sheet
Image: syalluretut_17.jpg
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