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Article © MAIL User: lorraine

My favorite AR for Viperscale is about 6. If you go much higher than that, the rings that slightly overlap have a tendency to slip out of place. The minimum AR for Viperscale is 5.5. The rings used for this tutorial are 16awg/7.5mm gold and silver colored enameled copper. They have an AR of 6.0.

Step 1. Connect three silver rings together.
Image: viperscaletut_1.jpg

Step 2. Arrange the three rings so that the top of the middle ring is laying over the outer two rings, and so that the outer two rings overlap slightly, right over left. Wrap a piece of tape around the rings to hold them in place, and to give you a tab to hold onto while you begin the weave.
Image: viperscaletut_2.jpg

Step 3. Turn your work to the side, with the tape tab on the left, still with the middle ring laying over the outer rings. Notice that they form two eyes. The upper eye is marked in green, the lower eye in blue.
Image: viperscaletut_3.jpg

Step 4. Thread a gold ring through the lower eye and around the upper eye of the silver rings, and close.
Image: viperscaletut_4.jpg

Step 5. Thread another gold ring through the silver rings, this time going through the lower eye and around the upper eye, and close. This second gold ring does not go through the first gold ring, but only through the silver rings.
Image: viperscaletut_5.jpg

Step 6. Thread a silver ring around the eye created by the two gold rings and close.
Image: viperscaletut_6.jpg

Step 7. The blue dots show the path for the next ring. It will go through the eye of the two gold rings AND under the silver ring added in step 6.
Image: viperscaletut_7a.jpg

Let this silver ring hang down to the bottom of the chain.
Image: viperscaletut_7b.jpg

Step 8. Thread another silver ring, through the same path as the last silver ring in step 7 and close it. Flip it up to the other side of the chain.
Image: viperscaletut_8a.jpg

Notice that the two silver rings marked with blue dots slightly overlap the rings below them.
Image: viperscaletut_8b.jpg

Step 9. Turn you work over. Notice that the middle silver ring of the three at the far right is on top of the outer rings, and that there is again an upper eye (marked in green) and a lower eye (marked in blue).
Image: viperscaletut_9a.jpg

Thread a gold ring through the upper eye and around the lower eye, and close.
Image: viperscaletut_9b.jpg

Step 10. Thread a second gold ring, this time going through the lower eye and around the upper eye, and close. Notice it only goes through the silver rings and not through the previous gold ring.
Image: viperscaletut_10.jpg

Step 11. Turn your work over to the front again.
Image: viperscaletut_11.jpg

Step 12. Thread a silver ring through the two gold rings around the eye they form, and close.
Image: viperscaletut_12.jpg

Step 13. Thread a silver ring through the eye of the two gold rings and through the silver ring added in step 12, and close. Let it fall to the lower side of the chain.
Image: viperscaletut_13.jpg

Step 14. Thread another silver ring, following the same path as the silver ring added in step 13, but overlapping it slightly, and close. Flip this ring to the top edge of the chain.
Image: viperscaletut_14.jpg

Step 15. Flip your chain over and add a gold ring through the top eye and around the bottom eye of the three silver rings on the end.
Image: viperscaletut_15.jpg

Step 16. Add a second gold ring, this time going through the bottom eye and around the top eye of the silver rings.
Image: viperscaletut_16.jpg

Continue adding rings, following steps 11 through 16 until you have the length of Viperscale you need.

Image: viperscaletut.jpg
You made Viperscale!

Comparison picture.
Image: ArkhamViperscaleGSG.jpg
Top: Arkham
Middle: Viperscale
Bottom: GSG
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