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Article © MAIL User: Corvus

Rosetta is a weave by Cindy and makes a very simple but pretty chain.

The ideal AR is listed as 3.5 but I found this to be a little tight, personally I would suggest 3.8. Here it is made using 1mm copper wire 4mm ID (AR of 4).

Step 1
Start with a 2-2 chain the length you'd like the finished piece.
Image: rosetta1.jpg

Step 2
Next add 2 rings like so marked in green.
Image: rosetta2.jpg

Step 3
Add another ring like so marked in pink.
Image: rosetta3.jpg
Repeat this on the other side.

Repeat steps 2 & 3 to the end of the chain and you're done.
Image: rosetta4.jpg
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