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Celtic Spikes & Celtic Lace
Article © MAIL User: Corvus

Celtic Spikes is a weave by Blue Buddha and Celtic Lace is a variation thereof by Narrina.
You will need 4 rings sizes for these weaves, I will be using 1.2mm 6mm & 5mm ID (AR of 5 & AR of 4.1) and 1mm 4mm & 3mm ID (AR of 4 & AR of 3).

Start by adding two of the 4mm ID rings to a 6mm ID ring.
Image: cs1.jpg

Next add two 5mm ID rings to the 4mm ID ones.
Image: cs2.jpg

Fold those back a la Byzantine....and add two 4mm ID rings.
Image: cs3.jpg

Image: cs4.jpg

Add another 6mm ID ring (with two more 4mm ID rings on it) with the mirror image orientation as the previous 6mm ID ring, like so.
Image: cs5.jpg

Add two 5mm ID rings to the last 4mm ID ones.
Image: cs6.jpg

As before fold them back and add two more 4mm ID rings.
Image: cs7.jpg

Carry on till you have the length of chain you want.
Image: cs8.jpg

Add 4mm ID rings on the edges like so.
Image: cs9.jpg

Join those on top of the weave with the 3mm ID rings.
Image: cs10.jpg

You now have Celtic Spikes.
Image: cs11.jpg

You can join a short length of this into a circle with a 5mm ID ring in the middle (as you would for a Celtic Star) to make a star/flower.
Image: cs12.jpg

Image: cs14.jpg

Or you can add 5mm ID rings to the edges to make Celtic Lace.
Just 'gather' three of the rings groups together with a 5mm ID ring and 'gather' the last of the last group and two others on the opposite side.
Image: cs13.jpg

Celtic Spikes
Image: celticspikes.jpg

Celtic Lace
Image: celticlace.jpg

Happy weaving
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