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Flowers In Cages
(Byzantine Flower)
Article © MAIL User: Aderamelech

1) Begin Byzantine Flower (Flowers in Cages) as you if you are constructing Byzantine, with a two-on-two chain three units long.
Image: byzfl1.jpg

2) As with Byzantine, fold back the last two rings and insert a new ring.
Image: byzfl2.jpg

3) Add the next ring as you usually would, but pass it also through the ring you added in step two. This creates a flower unit (aka a Mobius Ball unit - Ed.), as in a Flower Chain.
Image: byzfl3.jpg

4) Go back to usual Byzantine construction, adding four more rings off of the flowered unit.
Image: byzfl4.jpg

5) As in step three, fold back the last two rings and make a flower unit between them.
Image: byzfl5.jpg

6) Continue to desired length.
Image: byzfl.jpg
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