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Article © MAIL User: Corvus

Persephone is a weave by Sara Bastin. It consists of 'Rhino-ed' single-connector Half Byzantine Plus One cells connected sideways.

I'm using bronze 0.9mm wire 4mm ID which is a perfect size for this weave (AR of 4.4).

Step 1
Create a single-connector Half Byzantine cell; usually this is done by making a 1-2-2 chain, folding the last ring pair back onto the central one, and adding the finishing ring. Don't worry about the fact that this cell is unstable and rings tend to flip over - it will be stabilized in the next step:
Image: per2.jpg

Step 2
Add an orbiting ring in the middle of the crossed 4 to create a Half Byzantine Rhino cell - like so:
Image: per3.jpg

Make several of these units.

Step 3
Add another ring onto the orbiting ring here:
Image: per4.jpg
Image: per5.jpg

Step 4
Add another ring the same way on the other side but don't close it yet. Use this same ring to join another unit like so:
Image: per6.jpg

Repeat this until you have the chain you want.
Image: per7.jpg

Image: persephone.jpg

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