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Half Persian 5 in 1
Article © MAIL User: MaxumX

HP5in1 (Half Persian 5 in 1), This is similar to HP3in1 (Half Persian 3 in 1) with a 5in1 interaction. Unlike HP4in1 (Half Persian 4 in 1) it is unbalanced on its mirrored side.
(Ed. note: The pictures show the chain with a wavy appearance like Half Persian 5 in 1 Symmetrical. However, this is indeed the regular HP5-1.)

Ring size recommendation:
16g 3/8"

Color Key:
Blue = inactive or finished weave
Green = active ring
Red = interpolated or weaved thru ring
Yellow = orbital or captive

Again this is going to be a textless tutorial, unless a section requires further explanation.

Image: hp5in1sem1.jpg

Image: hp5in1sem2.jpg

Image: hp5in1sem3.jpg

Image: hp5in1sem4.jpg

Image: hp5in1sem5.jpg

Image: hp5in1sem6.jpg

Image: hp5in1sem7.jpg

Image: hp5in1sem8.jpg

Gratz you are done.

Coming soon: Symmetrical HP 5in1.
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