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Elven Track
(Frayed Elven Rope)
Article © MAIL User: MaxumX

Elven Track (Frayed Elven Rope) is a single row variation on the Elfweave. And I will cover two variations of it here.

AR : 5.4 -??

Color Key:
Blue = Inactive or finished sections
Green = Active or added Ring(s)
Red = Interpolated or Passed Thru Ring(s)
Yellow = Captive or orbital

Diving right in, start with two 2 in 1 chains of equal length.

Image: elfentracks_1.jpg

Step Two: We need to line them up together like so:

Image: elfentracks_2.jpg

Step Three: Count in two “eyes” and pass your ring through both eyes in the second section and around through the top on the first like so.

Image: elfentracks_3.jpg

Step Four: Mirror this on the opposing side of the chains, moving one eye set forward.

Image: elfentracks_4.jpg

Step Five: Repeat, Repeat, DO IT AGAIN!

Image: elfentracks_5.jpg
Image: elfentracks_6.jpg

Okay Variation 2, Restarting with your 2 in 1 chains this time instead of starting off in the second eye start off in the first. HUH I can hear you saying. Because the two chains are mirrored this will create a different outcome of the chain.

Image: elfentracks_v_1.jpg
Image: elfentracks_v_2.jpg
Image: elfentracks_v_3.jpg
Image: elfentracks_v_4.jpg
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