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Japanese Balls
Article © MAIL User: Corvus

These can be made in various size ID rings and various gauge wire. You can double or triple any of the rings so play with it and see what sizes work best for you.

For this tutorial I am using copper 1.2mm wire 4mm ID AR 3.33, doubled rings with single connector rings. Green indicates rings being added to and pink indicates the new rings.
Please excuse the blobs of beeswax still on some of the rings.

Start with a 2-1-2-1-2 chain, like so:
Image: jb.jpg

Next add another 3 doubled rings with single connector rings to the middle doubled rings, like so:
Image: jb1.jpg

Now start to join all the outside double rings with single connector rings, like so:
Image: jb2.jpg

Do this all the way around.
Image: jb3.jpg

Next add another set of doubled rings with a single connector ring to all five outside doubled rings, like so:
Image: jb4.jpg

Do this all the way around.
Image: jb5.jpg

Next join the outside doubled rings (with a single connector ring) to the adjacent previous doubled rings, like so following the arrows:
Image: jb6.jpg

Do this all the way around.
Image: jb7.jpg

Join all the pairs of outside rings with a single connector ring all the way around.
Image: jb8.jpg

Join the last pair of rings with a single connector ring to all 5 of the doubled rings (marked in green above).
It should look like this.
Image: jb9.jpg

And you're done.
Image: jb10.jpg

You can add stuffing to your Japanese Balls in the form of beads or Mobius Balls to help them hold a good shape.
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