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Helm Orb
Article © MAIL User: NeoLythic

Helm Orb Tutorial:
Brett Corrie

Ring Sizes – 1/4” ID, 3/16” ID, 1/8” ID
Wire - .032”

1. Close 4 ¼” ID rings and connect each with 3 1/8” rings

Image: helmorb1.jpg

2. Connect together.

Image: helmorb2.jpg

3. Make a second inner layer of rings by capturing the 1/8” rings with 3/16” rings so that it looks this (this is where it resembles the Helm Chain weave.) The smaller rings will make the piece start to close in on itself.

Image: helmorb3.jpg

4. Here’s where it gets really weird, I sort of “fold” the piece so if you lay it on its side it almost makes a square,

Image: helmorb4.jpg

5. Gently “pinch” two ¼” rings towards each other to close them in,

Image: helmorb5.jpg

It should look like this when the piece is closed.

Image: helmorb6.jpg

6 .Now it’s time to close it up! You want to take another 1/8” ring and hook it through the two ¼” rings and two inner 3/16” rings. I usually only place one 1/8” ring first just to hold things together. Then on to step 7.

Image: helmorb7.jpg

7. Take another 3/16” ring and loop it around the 1/8” ring you just weaved in,

Image: helmorb8.jpg

8. From there I weave in two more 1/8” rings through the 3/16” ring, making sure to catch the two ¼ rings, and the inner 3/16” ring.

Image: helmorb9.jpg

One of the things I’ve done using the Helm Orb units,

Image: star.jpg
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