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Japanese 6 in 1 Variant
Article © MAIL User: Aderamelech

1) To start Japanese 6 in 1 Variant, make a simple 2 in 1 Chain (1 on 1) with an even number of horizontal rings.
Image: jap6-1v1.jpg

2) Add a new horizontal ring to every two horizontal rings from the first row.
Image: jap6-1v2.jpg

3) Make another simple chain of the same size as the first one. Place it as shown.
Image: jap6-1v3.jpg

4) Attach the new chain to the horizontal rings added in step 2.
Image: jap6-1v4.jpg

5) Attach new horizontal rings to the simple chain added in step three. These new horizontal rings should fall between where the horizontal rings were added in step 2.
Image: jap6-1v5.jpg

6) Make another simple chain of the same length as the first two and attach it to the new horizontal rings.
Image: jap6-1v6.jpg

7) Add new horizontal rings to this chain. These new horizontal rings should be in the same places as the first set of horizontal rings added in step two.

You can now continue on the bottom of the sheet as you did in step 3.
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