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Spring Clasps
Article © MAIL User: thexnihil

Image: me2clasp6.jpg

This will demonstrate how to make a type of spring clasp. The tools that you will need are a hammer and something on which to hit metal.

Image: me2clasp1.jpgStep 1: First take a length of wire (about 3", any metal will work as long as it's softened) and flatten the end.
Image: me2clasp2.jpgStep 2: Next bend the flattened area into a 'c' shape.
Image: me2clasp3.jpgStep 3: Put a loop about 3/4" down from the top of the 'c'. It should be bent in the opposite direction as the 'c'.
Image: me2clasp4.jpgStep 4: Flatten the remaining straight area of the wire.
Image: me2clasp5.jpgStep 5: Now flatten where the wire overlaps to make the loop.
Image: me2clasp6.jpgStep 6: Finally, bend the straight flat piece of wire close enough to the 'c' shape so you can cut it to the proper length. Then just tuck it behind the 'c', and you should have a dandy spring clasp!
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