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Stepping Stones
Article © MAIL User: MaxumX

Stepping Stones:
Step One: Gather your rings. Small rings are 3.1 AR, large rings 4 AR.
Image: steppingstone1.jpg
Step Two: Start off by making a 14 ring 4in2 chain from the small rings.
Image: steppingstone2.jpg
Step Three: Next add 6 more small rings, two to every other section as shown. Make several of these units before starting with the big rings.
Image: steppingstone3.jpg
Step Four: Weave a big ring as shown through the 6 small rings from the previous step. Don't close it yet!
Image: steppingstone4.jpg
Step Five: Grab another 4in2 chain, and add it as shown. Now close the big ring.
Image: steppingstone5.jpg
Step Six: Take your next big ring and weave it through the new 4in2 chain's side-branches. Again don't close it yet!
Image: steppingstone6.jpg
Step Seven: Toss on another 4in2, and close the big ring (see the pattern yet?)
Image: steppingstone7.jpg
Step Eight: Repeat step 6.
Image: steppingstone8.jpg
Step Nine: Keep repeating steps 7 and 8 to reach the length you want.
Image: steppingstone9.jpg
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