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Ring Intensity Ratio and its Uses
Article © MAIL User: Uab

This article explains the concept of Ring Intensity Ratio, or I.R. for short. The best way of describing I.R. I've come up with is that it is a measurement of the ring intensity of any given weave - a specific number unique to every single weave and variation in existence, so long as said weave or variation has zero randomly placed rings. This is a new concept I have devised in order to address the issue of accurate ring count calculations prior to actual weaving - at the time I write this article the only method of doing this is for sheet weaves, and is based on counting how many rings are required per square inch and then using the number to estimate rings per square foot. I.R. allows for much more accurate calculation of how many rings will be required to weave an exact length of chain.

In order for I.R. to be calculated and used, a formula was needed - below is the equation I devised in the 2 configurations most useful to us right now:

((Length - (2 x Thickness)) / Diameter) x I.R. = Count

Count / ((Length - (2 x Thickness)) / Diameter) = I.R.

Chain Length = Exact length of a given piece of chain measured from outermost edges of the last ring of closed units at either end of chain.

Image: chain_measure_example.jpg

Wire Thickness = Exact wire thickness used measured to 0.001" accuracy.
Inner Diameter = Exact inner ring diameter used measured to 0.001" accuracy.
Ring Count = Exact number of rings used to weave chain in measured length.

The upper equation shows how I.R. will be used to calculate how many rings any length of chain will require, provided the weave's I.R. is known. The lower equation shows how the same formula can be used to calculate a weave's I.R. with the other 4 measurable variables.

I have used this formula to calculate that Half Persian 3 in 1 has an I.R. of ~2.265. In order to account for human error in measurement I based this calculation on 3 trial samples of HP 3in1. I separately solved the formula for 16 gauge 1/4", 19g 3/16", and 22g 1/8" rings and then used the average calculated I.R.s to arrive at 2.265. All of my measurements were made using calipers accurate to 0.001". I recommend this as the minimum acceptable standard for any further experimentation to develop a table of intensity ratios for various weaves.

It is entirely possible that a method of directly calculating the I.R. of a weave exists, and I do plan to do further research in to this possibility, but until such time as I or someone else succeeds we're stuck with the physical measurement method. I figure we can go about this similarly to how Aspect Ratios are being handled - anyone who wants to help calculate the I.R. for weaves is more than welcome to, just please share the results with the community so we can begin to develop a table of working I.R.s for weaves.

If you have any questions regarding Intensity Ratio, please feel free to email me at - I think I've covered all the important stuff, but you never know. Hopefully I was as concise as I imagine myself to be, and more importantly that you find use for this formula.

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