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Date Uploaded: October 8, 2011, 7:46 pm Last Edited: January 31, 2016, 8:16 pm |
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Captive Hilt Chain
(On A Stick)
Article © MAIL User: Leather_wing
To quote Zxentix "Hilt Chain is to Full Persian 6 in 1 as Inverted Round is to Roundmaille". I still have no clue what that means but it seems to turn on the light bulb for some people. Hilt chain is simply six sided full Persian vs. just four sides. Simple as it sounds I had to hold the weave in my hands before I could figure out how to reproduce it. (Thanks yet again Zxentix)
(Editor's Note: You can also use this tutorial to make Hilt Chain by leaving out the captive rings. - Lorraine)
AR & Ring sizes
Captive Hilt Chain (2) can be made down to about 6.4 and still works well at 7.0. I've used TRL's SS1258 (AR of 6.4) and GA16716 (AR of 6.988, measured). I don't think you can get below an AR of 6.4 as that gets fairly tight.
(Editor's Note: this weave works down to an AR of 6.2 (1 captive per cell), or AR of 6.8 (2 captives per cell) - Chainmailbasket_com)
Tutorial Color Scheme & Conventions
Captives will be shown in blue. Folding rings (rings folded back to insert the captives) will be shown in yellow. Terms like "Up row" refer to the lay of the rings. Up row would refer to a row where a ring lays on top of the ring above it, i.e. pointing up. Therefore "Left row" will point left, "Right row" will point right and "Down row" will point down.
Why a stick?
Well, everything is better on a stick isn't it? I could never get the hang of this weave until I put it on my finger or a stick (tapered is better) to stabilize the weave until there are enough rings in it to keep it from flopping on me. After the first few units are completed the weave is stable enough to remove from the stick.
Step 1
Pre-open 6 rings and pre-close 6 rings, and find a stick
Step 2
Make a 2-1-2-1-2 chain and connect it back on itself, put it on the stick
Notice I've situated the rings so that the part of the chain with two rings is a "Left row" (This will be come an "Up row" later on when it comes off the stick)
Step 3
Add rings to the three "Right Rows" by going around the eye of the "Left Rows"
Step 4
Add three more rings to the "Right Rows". This time you are only going through two rings so there is no eye, yet).
Step 5
Congratulations you now have a stable weave! Remove it from the stick, turning it clockwise 90 degrees. "Right rows" now become "Down rows" and "Left Rows" become "Up Rows".
You should have three links in each "Down Row" and two links in each "Up Row".
Step 6
Fold the top links back in the "Down Rows" ala CIR. Folded rings shown in yellow.
It might help to take a look at Phong's CIR Tut ( and watch the animations if you can't figure this part out.
Step 7
Insert you captives (shown in blue), making sure your folded rings (yellow) end up on top of the captives.
Step 8
Flip the "Down row" (folded) rings back to their proper position. Add a link to the "Up Row". This link with go through the eye of the "Down row" links as shown.
Add two pre-closed rings
Step 9
Add another ring to the next "Up Row", catching one of the pre-closed links added in the last step.
Add another pre-closed ring
Step 10
Add one more ring to the last "Up Row" catching the pre-closed from step 9 and the other pre-closed from step 8.
Step 11
Return to step 6, Lather, Rinse, Repeat until finished or you run out of rings. Whichever comes first
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