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Locking Clasp
Article © MAIL User: MaxumX

I thought I would share this with you all, about time I started doing some articles that are not So here is a simple clasp I use that will lock the holding ring onto it so that in the scarce chance that the piece would become slack it will not fall off.

The first step it to cut your self about a 6 in piece of wire, I prefer 20 gauge or somewhere in that area.

Next put a "V" shape into the wire about 1 inch to 3/4 of an inch down, like so.

Image: dsc00394.jpg

Continue down the wire about another 1 - .75 inchs and fold the whole top over.

Image: dsc00395.jpg

Now we loop it back again going over the other side, be sure to keep it tight to the end or you may get snagged up.

Image: dsc00396.jpg

Now at this point if you wanted you could solder the center solid but for the purposes of this tut we're not doing that.

Moving on. Now you fold the top down like you would any other clasp but this time you want it to almost touch that little bump you put in it in the first step

Image: dsc00397.jpg

Now roll over the back side.

Image: dsc00398.jpg

Now I don't show it here but if you cut your piece of wire long enough..unlike me then you can roll it around the hole thing a few times for a little wire finishing and gussing up. Like seen in the second one in the pic above.

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