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Fireman's Hold 4
Article © MAIL User: MaxumX

Fireman's Hold is a Tao type weave that uses orbital and semi-captive rings too for the interpolated sections that then can be used for basic geometric shapes, the simplest shape being a triangle as seen in Tao 3. The next step would be a square as seen in Fireman's Hold 4 and Tao 4.

Green = active ring
Red = interpolated rings
Blue = inactive or finished weave
Yellow = orbital / captive ring

Ring Size:
16g 5/16 ID (for good demo)

Step one: Close a few rings

Image: firemanshold1.jpg

Step Two: Hold one ring on while placing another through and locking it in a orbital form like so.

Image: firemanshold2.jpg

Step three: Add a ring off the orbital ring like so

Image: firemanshold3.jpg

Step Four: Add in a locking ring through the locking ring from step two and intersecting it with the ring from step three.

Image: firemanshold4.jpg

Step Five: Now we are repeating steps three......

Image: firemanshold5.jpg

Step Six: Now we are going to connect the two sides and complete the form. Add one ring to the two rings indicated here.

Image: firemanshold6.jpg

Step Seven: Final ring placement is nothing more then step three again but going through both rings on this side instead of just the one.

Image: firemanshold7.jpg


Image: firemanshold8.jpg

Finished!! Good now try this!

Sheet form hehe
Image: firemanshold9.jpg

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