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Japanese 3 in 1
(Link by Rows)
Article © MAIL User: Aderamelech

1) To start Japanese 3 in 1, make a simple [weave=2 in 1 Chain (1 on 1)]. For this method, the chain should have a multiple of three for the number of horizontal rings.
Image: jap3-11.jpg

2) Make a second chain that is two horizontal rings shorter. Place it as shown:
Image: jap3-12.jpg

3) Attach the new chain, using every other horizontal ring.
Image: jap3-13.jpg

4) Make another chain, two horizontal rings shorter than the second chain. Attach it by every other horizontal ring. The horizontal rings in the second chain to which this new chain attaches should be those that were not attached to the first chain.
Image: jap3-14.jpg

5) Continue to add chains in the same manner until you get down to a chain that is three horizontal rings long.
Image: jap3-15.jpg

6) When allowed to hang free, the open hexagon shape can be seen.
Image: jap3-16.jpg
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