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Article © MAIL User: MaxumX

Butterfly. Lets get right to it shall we!

Green = in progress ring
Blue = Finished weave or inactive ring
Red = interpolated rings

Ring sizes:
18g 3/16 ID
20g 1/8 ID

Step One: Make a few mobi out of the 3/16 ring I used three rings per mobius.

Image: butterfly1.jpg

Step Two: Weave on 4 20g 1/8 ID rings onto the mass.

Image: butterfly2.jpg

Step Three: Now we are going to split it up a bit. Weave one ring onto each of two rings splitting the four stack.

Image: butterfly3.jpg

Step Four: Split the two new sections and weave in two rings, one on top and one on bottom, using one ring from each group.

Image: butterfly4.jpg

Step Five: Repeat the other steps 2-4 on the opposing side of the Mobius this completes a single unit of the weave, make several of these before you continue.

Image: butterfly5.jpg

Step Six: Now lets connect a few sections. Gather two sections and weave in a ring through the bottom three rings on the outer ends of both sections like so.

Image: butterfly6.jpg

Step seven: Repeat the above in mirror for the top.

Image: butterfly7.jpg

Step Eight: Repeat repeat

Image: butterfly8.jpg

So that was not so bad was it..hehe GL
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