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Coyote Maille
(Speedweaving Method)
Article © MAIL User: ElementalDragon

Image: ed-cmt01.jpg


Coyote Maille is, in essence, paired 1:1 (1 to 1) or 2-1 (2 in 1 Chain) chains stitched together in a particular manner. With this in mind, this tutorial will be presenting a "speedweaving" method rather than a one ring at a time (ORAAT) method.

In this tutorial, I use an even number of chains I preconstructed with an odd number of links, and a number of preopened "stitching" links that is equal to 1 less than the number of links in a single chain for every 2 chains. I know that seems a bit confusing. I'll plug my actual numbers into it
which may make it a little more understandable. I used 12 chains of 9 links each and 48 (one less than the number of links is 8, every 2 chains is 6, 6*8 is 48) stitching rings. If you don't care to do the math to figure out the rings you'll need, just preopen some (or not) as you desire.

The rings used in this tutorial are .08" (14SWG, 12AWG, 2.03mm) .25" (1/4", 6.35mm) rings. Copper and galvanized steel are hand coiled and score and break cut by myself, brass rings are The Ring Lord machine cut. Nominal (or ideal) AR of 3.125, which is the raw numbers, not taking into account springback and/or kerf. I currently do not have a more exact AR. Coyote Maille at this (combination of) AR is very flexible while not being too airy, in my opinion. It does appear that one could drop the AR a bit to make a denser piece while still maintaining an acceptable degree of flexibility.

For those who want to take a stab at it without a tutorial here is a top view...
Image: ed-cmt02.jpg

...and a side view.
Image: ed-cmt03.jpg


Image: ed-cmt04.jpg To start with, lay out two of your chains so the odd numbered links (1, 3, 5, 7, etc.) lean towards each other, and the even numbered links lean away from each other. The odd numbered links will become your "up" pointing links while the even numbered links will become your "down" pointing links (see side view above, left side of pic is "up").
Image: ed-cmt05.jpg Next, add a single stitching ring through the first link on each chain. At this point, don't worry too much about disturbing the rings' pattern, as there isn't much of one at the moment.
Image: ed-cmt06.jpg Now, add two stitching rings through the third link on each chain. Again, don't worry too much about disturbing the pattern.
Image: ed-cmt07.jpg To complete the first iteration of your Coyote Maille, continue adding 2 stitching rings to every pair of odd numbered rings except the end pair. Like the pair at the other end, these only get one stitching ring. I also find it helpful once I've finished this far to run a helper (rod, wire, string, cord, rope, etc.) through the top stitching rings to stabilize the weave as I work. What you see in this image is just a small screwdriver. I'll be using a steel rod that's a bit longer later on in the tutorial. Use (or not) whatever works for you.
Image: ed-cmt08.jpg Next row. Here is where you finish establishing your pattern. Take a stitching ring, link it through the first pair of even numbered (down) rings in the first pair of chains and then through the first pair of odd numbered (up) rings on the second pair (the pair you are adding in this step) of chains.
Image: ed-cmt09.jpg Now, here you need to start paying attention. Link another stitching ring through the first pair of down rings in the previous row and connect it to the second pair of up rings in the new row. Got that? This establishes your pattern. The first stitching ring to go through a pair of down rings is the second ring to go through a pair of up rings in the next row. The second stitching ring to go through a down pair of rings is the first ring to go through a pair of up rings in the next row. You kind of have to imagine the missing ring on either end, but this should suffice. This is, of course, if you are weaving left to right. If you weave right to left, this isn't the only thing that will be backwards from the perspective of this tutorial.
Image: ed-cmt10.jpg With the description from the last step in mind, here we go with the next step. Now that you've got two stitching rings going through the first pair of down rings in the first row, you add the next stitching ring to the second pair of down rings in the first row. Then you link them back through the second pair of up rings in the new row. See, first stitch through down pair is second stitch through up pair.
Image: ed-cmt11.jpg Link a second ring through the pair of down rings you just used in the previous row and through the next pair of up rings in the next row. Easy, is it not?
Image: ed-cmt12.jpg Repeat the previous two steps...
Image: ed-cmt13.jpg ...until...
Image: ed-cmt14.jpg have...
Image: ed-cmt15.jpg ...completed the row. Got it now? First ring through a down pair in a previous row is second ring through an up pair of rings in the next row. Second ring through a down pair in a previous row is first ring through an up pair in the next row. Lather, rinse, repeat until the end of the row.
Image: ed-cmt16.jpg Repeat from step "Next row." to continue your piece until it is the length you want.


Image: ed-cmt17.jpg Widening (expansion across the grain) is as simple as adding chain to your 1:1 rows and then continuing stitching like normal. Connect an even number of links to the chain to get an odd number of total rings. As a side note, the odd number of rings is just a personal preference, so feel free to explore other methods of constructing this weave.
Image: ed-cmt18.jpg First, though, remember to add a second stitching ring to the former last ring.
Image: ed-cmt19.jpg And then add your top row of stitching rings, ending with a single ring for the new last pair of up rings.
Image: ed-cmt20.jpg Add your second row of even extension chains...
Image: ed-cmt21.jpg ...and stitch up as detailed above.
Image: ed-cmt22.jpg And again, repeat steps (add a row of extensions, stitch up) until desired length is reached.

Connecting Sides

Image: ed-cmt23.jpg So, you have a couple of pieces you are wanting to join side by side, or a strip you are wanting to connect the sides on.
Image: ed-cmt24.jpg Add the second top stitch ring to the end rings on the pieces that are being joined. If you are making a bracelet, or some other piece of jewelry, you might also try, instead of adding these rings, taking out the top row of stitch rings altogether.
Image: ed-cmt25.jpg Add a ring to connect your rows. Remember to do this for each side.
Image: ed-cmt26.jpg Stitch the new pair of rings into the appropriate places.
Image: ed-cmt27.jpg Repeat to desired length.

Connecting Ends

Image: ed-cmt28.jpg So, you've got a couple of pieces you are wanting to connect end to end, or a single piece you are wanting to make into a continuous loop.
Image: ed-cmt29.jpg The single stitching ring at the end of the top row will need to be linked through the first pair of down rings in the bottom row of the upper piece.
Image: ed-cmt30.jpg Then the first ring of the first pair of stitching rings in the top row of will also go through the first pair of down rings in the bottom row of the upper piece. Same pattern as we've been doing.
Image: ed-cmt31.jpg Repeat to the end of the seam.


Image: ed-cmt32.jpg If you are going to have a hanging piece, as an alternative to leaving the bottom row kind of floppy, add the stitching rings you would add if you were continuing to lengthen the piece, but don't add any additional chains. This will add a little bit of weight to the down rings to keep them in their proper position. Get more decorative and hang some beads here, as well, if you are making something with this weave.
Image: ed-cmt33.jpg As an alternative to leaving the sides sort of floppy, use a stitching ring to join straight across. Link through the top of up pointing rings of a lower row to the bottom of the up pointing rings of the row immediately above. This will tighten up the weave somewhat along the edges, so make sure you have some room to play with if you intend to try this.
Image: ed-cmt34.jpg A side view of the side stitching described above.

So ends this tutorial. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, criticisms, or something I may have missed, feel free and PM me. Later.
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