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Joining Half Persian 3 in 1
Article © MAIL User: Corvus

Joining Half Persian 3 in 1 is more difficult than joining Half Persian 4 in 1 for some strange reason.

Start with a chain of HP3in1 the length you want it to be (no more rings will be added).
Image: hp1.jpg

Now take the ring that is running downwards on the left, open it and join it to the ring that is slightly under the last ring on the right, staying under that last ring. Both highlighted in green.
Image: hp2.jpg

So that it looks like this.
Image: hp3.jpg

Then take the ring sticking up on the left and open it. Thread it down through the ring sticking up on the right. Both rings highlighted in green.
Image: hp4.jpg

Like this and close it.
Image: hp5.jpg

And you're done.
Image: hp6.jpg
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