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Brian Buron's Chain
Article © MAIL User: Josiah_Bishop

Brian Buron's Chain

I am going to tell you how to make the Brian Buron's Chain. You start with a simple European 4 in 1 chain, however long you want it. This is what the E4-1 looks like, now I only have about 5 of them hooked in together because I am making a key chain one.

Pic 1
Image: 1.jpg

The way you make the Brian Buron’s Chain is very similar to the [weave=Box Chain] in a way. Take an open ring and put it through the bottom rings like this:

Pic 2
Image: desin_3.jpg

Then after you put the open ring on the bottom rings you hook it in the top two rings and close the ring. Like this:

Pic 3
Image: desin_2.jpg

Then after that you just put the chain as long as you want it to be made for your desired length.

Image: desin_5.jpg
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