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Article © MAIL User: beeslayer

is a very simple unit to make and has a variety of uses. It's a derivation of Beez Stew, which is a derivation of Byzee Beez to Butterflies, which of course is a Byzantine variation.

The links used in the example are 1/4" id 16g Bright Aluminum. An AR of 4.4 ratio works pretty well. I've used 1/8" 20g stainless and that turned out well, too.

Image: bangarangsaidrufio.jpg

1. 16 open links, 16 closed.

2. Make the chain shown in the picture, taking care that the loose links are all on the same side.

3. Pull the 4 sets of spare links through like a Byzantine chain. I only do this with one link at this point, and add the last 4 links as a final touch. This helps the tension in the tighter ARs.

4. Connect one end of the chain to the other.

Ta-da! Now you can make these units and connect them to themselves or other things.
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