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Splitting Full Persian 6 in 1 into 2 Chains
Article © MAIL User: Skip

Image: 1.jpg
1. Start with a Length of Full Persian 6 in 1 chain.

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2. Add 4 rings to one end of the chain.

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3. Thread an opened ring through one of the outermost of the copper rings. Then add 2 closed rings to this opened ring.

Image: 4.jpg
4. Thread the opened ring (with the 2 closed rings on it) through the next copper ring.

Image: 5.jpg
5. Fold the opened ring back on the chain and pass it through the green ring (1).

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6. Turn the chain around and repeat steps 4 and 5 on the section you did in step 5.
Then repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 on the remaining 2 copper rings.

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7. Add a new copper ring in between the 4 copper rings. This will help keep the chain apart, though isn't strictly necessary.


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To extend the chain it's simply a case of following steps 4, 5 and 6 until the new chains have reached their desired length.

Image: 11.jpg

Hope this has been helpful.

Any questions or comments email me at
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