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Box Chain
(Ring Flip Method)
Article © MAIL User: ElementalDragon

The rings used in these pictures are made from aluminum ground wire. Approximate measurements are 1/8"(.0125") wire diameter and 3/4" (.75") inside diameter making it an approximate AR of 6. The use of these rings was so that I could work them by hand and so that the weave was fairly open so that you could see what was happening.

I find this method easier to understand than the stitch method. As they say, if you have a problem, odds are that someone else has the same problem, so, having found a solution to that problem that suits me, I will share it here so that others may potentially benefit. I may not be the first one to construct [weave=Box Chain] with this method, but it appears that I am the first to take the time to write it up and document it.

This method was developed from the Byzantine (CGI) tutorial written by Kateryne. In fact, it starts exactly the same way.

Please note that I will not refer to open and closed rings. Each mailler may do things in a way that is comfortable for them. The way I connect may be different than the way you connect. I will leave it up to you as the mailler to decide.

Also note that I may get a little verbose with my text, so it may be less confusing to look at the pictures.

Image: boxchain_rf_01.jpg
Step 1: Connect 6 rings as pictured. A simple 3 link chain where each link consists of 2 rings.

Image: boxchain_rf_02.jpg
Step 2: With one pair of the end rings (marked with a "1" in these images), flip each ring back, one to each side. You should end up with a configuration similar to what is pictured.

Image: boxchain_rf_03.jpg
Step 3: Spread the middle set of rings (marked with a "2" in these images) far enough that you will be able to loop two rings between them and through the flipped rings. See image for details.

Image: boxchain_rf_04.jpg
Step 4: As indicated in the last step, loop two rings between rings 2 and through rings 1. This completes and secures your first "box". Some of you may be able to continue the weave from here. For those who can't, I'll do a few more steps to show how to form a box with a box already there.

Image: boxchain_rf_05.jpg
Step 5: Loop two rings through the two end rings of your previous unit.

Image: boxchain_rf_06.jpg
Step 6: Flip the two newly added rings back (as in step 2) and spread the prior two rings (as in step 3) to allow insertion of two more rings.

Image: boxchain_rf_07.jpg
Step 7: Add two rings between the spread rings and through the flipped back rings.

Repeat adding, flipping, spreading, adding as necessary to create the length of chain you desire.

For practical use, you will probably want to use a smaller AR. Probably somewhere in the neighborhood of an AR of 4.2 at the smallest.
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