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Quarter Persian
(?) 5-in-1
Article © MAIL User: BMR

(Editor's Note - Despite its name, this is a Spiral weave. It does not have an entry in the weave database under this name; it strongly seems to be identical in construction to Japanese Rain Chain.)

Difficulty: Easy

No special requirements

Red: Current

Blue: Rings being added

Step 1

Start with two rings linked together like so:

Image: bmrtut03aa.jpg

Step 2

Add one ring going through the previous two rings. The left image is the side view.

Image: bmrtut03ab.jpg

Step 3

Add another ring going through the three rings from the previous step. The left images are different views.

Image: bmrtut03ac.jpg

When you look down it, you should have something like this:

Image: bmrtut03ad.jpg

This is the basic structure of the weave. The X shape will be constantly inter-connecting.

Step 4

Continue adding rings in the manner shown above. Remember, there should be only one line going through each gap. The gaps refer to the different angles in the X.

Image: bmrtut03ae.jpg


Your final product should look something like this:

Image: bmrtut03af.jpg
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