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Article © MAIL User: Aderamelech

1) To start Pheasible, make a chain of eight rings, four rings long with each ring doubled.
Image: ph1.jpg

2) Take one ring from the topmost set of two, and one from the bottommost. Pass a new ring through both.
Image: ph2.jpg

3) Close the ring. Take the remaining rings from the top and bottom and close a ring through them on the other side of the two rings in the middle. This is one basic unit of Pheasable.
Image: ph3.jpg

4) Make another basic unit in the same way. (Depending on how you take the top and bottom most rings, the two rings in the middle will twist in different ways. All the sets do not have to have the same twist for the weave to work). Do not close one of the rings on the side of this unit.
Image: ph4.jpg

5) Pass the still open ring through one of the outermost rings at the side of the first unit.
Image: ph5.jpg

6) Continue making units and linking them to extend the chain.
Image: ph6.jpg
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